About Us

Maintaining Biodiversity

BIRDLINK builds upon current work designing to meet ecological challenges and maintain biodiversity. Its strategy is to build a landscape network that connects isolated habitat across scales to make communities and wildlife more resilient to climate and other changes. In any setting, whether inner city, campus or suburban landscape, BIRDLINK channels the universal popularity of birds to interest people in habitat conservation and creation and offers an answer to the “what can I do?” question.
"Anina Gerchick’s BIRDLINK installations go beyond signaling loss to establish small, habitat patches to instigate recovery. Her work questions assumptions that art must be representational and not actively instigating transformation, or even that art/architecture’s direct beneficiaries must be human."
Denise Hoffman Brandt, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Spitzer School of Architecture, The City College of New York

Who We Are

Anina Gerchick
Anina Gerchick is an outdoor installation artist, landscape architect, and painter. BIRDLINK brings together art, ecology and public space design to create environmental, aesthetic and political impact. Public space is platform for art making that addresses climate change and community activation.
Executive Director/ Designer
Anina Gerchick

Collaborative Partners

Creature Conserve
New York State Parks
New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
New York City Audubon Society
National Audubon Society
Sara D. Roosevelt Park Coalition
Greenbelt Native Plant Center : NYC Parks
Audubon New York For the Birds
The Lower East Side Partnership
Bronx Children's Museum
The Lower East Side Ecology Center
The Trust For Governors Island


New York State Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation
The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
Staten Island Greenbelt Native Plant Nursery
Mwanzaa Brown, Architect Consultant
Robert Silman Associates Structural Engineers, DPC
Salvatore Coscenza Design Consultant
Kiwi Nguyen Design Consultant
Marie Salembier Horticulture Consultant
Giselle Herrera Urban Ecologist and Community Science Educator
Laura Starr Advisor
Alice Gottesman Advisor
Carla Precht Advisor
Kathryn Heintz New York City Audubon Society Advisor


Creature Conserve
The New York State Connect Kids to Parks Initiative, a program of the Environmental Protection Fund
Coleman and Susan Burke Center for Native Plants
The Durst Organization
The City Parks Foundation
New York City Audubon Society
Hunter Industries

Letters of Support

NYC Audubon Endorsement
City of New York Parks & Recreation
Sara D. Roosevelt Park Coalition Endorsement
Thomas Lovejoy Bioligist Quote
Birdlink NYC
Birdlink Logo
BIRDLINK installations go beyond signaling loss to establish small habitat patches to instigate recovery.

Art Instigates Transformation

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